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Best Android Training Institute Ghaziabad

Softcrayons Tech Solutions organizes a complete Android app development training program in Ghaziabad for fresher and more experienced graduates who want to make a career in IT. But before joining Android training, you should be aware of some important points-

Who Can Join the Android App Development Course

The candidate should carry basic knowledge about core Java because if you want to learn Android app development, then your object-oriented programming concept or OOPs should be clear.

Also, some other core Java concepts will help you learn Android training. In Softcrayons, We also provide training on body & advanced Java, allowing our trainees to understand related concepts. These two training programs can help you learn Android app development courses more successfully.

What Is Android And Why Android Training

Android is a Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as Smartphones & tablets. Android operating system is open-source, and Android applications are coded in Java. Nowadays, many Android applications are available in Play Stores, like applications for games, audio & video calling apps, picture storage, online sale & shopping apps, and many more.

SoftCrayons offers complete Android Training in Ghaziabad from domain expert faculty with great Android app development experience. Our experts deliver a lecture on theoretical and practical sessions and provide you with complete Android tutorials for future reference. Due to the movement of people toward the online world, the marketplace has also changed.

Nowadays, many e-commerce companies are selling their products on the Internet. They are launching their online stores through websites and mobile apps for selling their products. After attending our Android training program, you can quickly get an excellent job in the IT sector.

If you are a business owner or startup, you can develop and design an application for your company. Also, you can work with UI layouts, Controls and event handling, styles, themes and their custom components, Android drag and drop, email, SMS, etc. These are some benefits of the Android app development course.

Why Join Softcrayons To Learn Android Programming

Softcrayons Tech Solutions is a leading IT company based in Ghaziabad and has been working for multiple clients for the last five years. We provide the best Android training under the supervision of a highly experienced Android developer.

You will learn Android app development practically by working on our live projects supervised by senior Android developers. We also provide placement assistance to our trainees in many Android development companies present in the market.

Softcrayons provides Android training in Ghaziabad and prepares our trainees for technical and HR interviews. Softcrayons conducts extra problem-solving classes with a free domain for real-time application and provides Six months of IT industrial training programs with certification.

What We For Android Training & Training BENEFITS

A well-designed syllabus of the Android development course will guide you in learning Android programming.

a. Necessary Software and Internet connections will help you with Android programming

. b. Focus on practical labs to resolve your queries related to Android applications.

c. Complete Android tutorials for future use.

d. Interview preparation by our professional team.

e. Problem-solving classes at the end of the course.

f. Live project work experience

g. Certification and Job placement

h. High-quality Android tutorials prepared by senior Android developers.

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iOS Development

Are you interested in discovering how to build apps for the Apple iOS platform? You should call it a day and give up the search. Take advice from the most seasoned iPhone App Training Course Ghaziabad expert in the business.


Flutter Training Certification is in third place. Net Core and Torch are the most popular programming libraries and frameworks. About two-thirds of Flutter's engineers find it helpful and intend to keep using it.

Core Java + Android + Kotlin

Let's learn more about this intersection of Core Java, Android, and Kotlin Certificationwherein the very best information is found.

Core Java + Android + Flutter

Combining Flutter, Android, and Core Java Training Curriculum gives you a more well-rounded profile, increasing your potential for success in attracting your ideal customers. Learn more about the value this adds to your professional profile and your sector of expertise here.

Course Syllabus

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Softcrayons Certification


E-book, Live Classes etc..


3 Months

Training Features

Expert led Training

Our programs is led by industry experts who bring years of real-world experience to you, which helps you to gain more experience to the classroom.

Flexible Learning

You can choose our courses either online or in-person training. We also offer self-paced learning options that allow you to learn at your own pace.

Hands-on Experience

You'll have access to a range of tools and resources by our faculty in this course, that will help you develop to secure networks in real-world environments.


Our Programs is a prestigious certification which is recognized worldwide and can help you get advanced to build your future career in the network security.

Benefits of the Course

100% Placement Assistance

Softcrayons provides job oriented training to all students and they get job as soon as they complete their training

Live Projects Training

Softcrayons is the best Institute in Noida and Ghaziabad for Live Projects Training. we provide Complete Live Projects training with real-time scenarios for all our students

Mock Interview Session

Sharpen your interview skills with our mock interview session. Gain confidence, receive feedback, and ace your next interview

Globally Recognized Certifications

Unlock global opportunities with our recognized certifications. Validate your skills and expertise, stand out in your field, and advance your career with confidence


  • Introduction to Android
  • Brief history of Android
  • What is Android?
  • Why is Android important?
  • What benefits does Android have?
  • What is OHA?
  • Why to choose Android?
  • Software architecture of Android
  • Advantages of Android
  • Android features Android market
  • Comparing Android with other platform
  • Terms and acronyms

  • Details about the software requirement
  • Download and installation process of Android SDK
  • How to select Android version?
  • Step to create new project?
  • Running your application
  • Creation of new AVD
  • Android studio

  • How to select Android version?
  • Step to create new project
  • Running Your Application
  • Creation of New AVD
  • Creating run configuration
  • Creating your first Android activity
  • List of basic sample programs

  • Services
  • Broadcast receivers
  • Content providers Intents
  • Notifications
  • Activating and shutting down components
  • Brief idea about manifest file
  • Brief idea about activities and Task

  • Activity Life Cycle with sample program
  • Service Life Cycle with sample program

  • What are views, Layouts and there classification?
  • How Android Draws views and Layout Classification?
  • Table Layout ln detail with Example
  • Tab Layout ln detail with Example
  • Frame Layout ln detail with Example
  • Linear Layout in detail with Example

  • Grid View In detail With Example
  • Map View In detail with Example
  • Cont. Sub Topical Views
  • Web View In detail with Example
  • Spinner In detail with Example
  • Gallery In detail with Example
  • Google Map View In detail with Example
  • Introduction to creating activity user with views
  • Different ways of creating views Using xml

  • Providing resources
  • Different resource file location
  • Providing alternative resources
  • Android finds the best matching resource
  • Accessing resources
  • Accessing platform resources
  • Handling runtime changes
  • Introduction to Jquery
  • JQuery work in Android

  • Multipane & Singlepane
  • Fragment Life Cycle
  • Addition of Fragments
  • Fragments Working without U

  • How to create menus?
  • Types of Android Application Menus
  • Option Menu
  • Expanded - In detail with Example
  • Context Menu ln detail with example
  • Sub Menu-In detail with example

  • Navigation Drawer
  • Simple Side Drawer
  • Tab Drawer
  • Extra Drawer

  • Handling user events
  • Different types of event listener
  • OnClickO
  • OnLongClickO
  • OnFocusChangeO
  • OnKeyO OnTouchO
  • OnCreateContextMenuO
  • Different types of event handler
  • OnKeyDown (int, KeyEvent)
  • OnKeyUp (int, KeyEvent)
  • OnTrackballEvent (MotionEvent)
  • OnTouchEvent (MotionEvent)
  • OnFocusChanged (boolean,int,Rect)

  • Introduction to dialogs
  • Showing and dismissing of dialog boxes
  • Alert dialog In detail with example
  • Progress dialog In detail with example
  • Threading and handler
  • Creating running applications-Events
  • Creating running applications-Dialogs

  • Notifying Users
  • Status bar Notification
  • Toast Notification
  • Dialog Notification

  • Different types of intent?
  • Launching sub-activities
  • What is intent filter
  • Intent objects---In detail with example
  • Using intents to take pictures
  • Handling sub activity results

  • Android techniques for data storage
  • Creating and saving shared preferences
  • Retrieving shared preferences
  • Storing in files
  • Loading from files.
  • Storing in databases.

  • Introducing SQLite database.
  • Working with Android databases.
  • Using SQLite OpenHelper.
  • Cursors and content values.
  • Opening and closing Database

  • Introducing services
  • Creating and controlling services
  • Registering a service in the manifest
  • Starting, controlling, and interacting with a service

  • Controlling the camera and taking pictures
  • Playing audio and video
  • Introducing the media player
  • Preparing audio for playback
  • Packaging audio as an application resource
  • Initializing audio content for playback
  • Preparing for video playback
  • Playing video using the video view
  • Setting up a surface for video playback
  • Initializing video content for playback
  • Supported video formats
  • Controlling playback
  • Managing media playback output
  • Multimedia supported audio formats
  • Recording audio and video
  • Using Intents to Record Video
  • Configuring and Controlling Video Recording
  • Previewing Video Recording
  • Reading and Writing JPEG EXIF Image Details
  • Adding new media to media storage Using the Media Scanner
  • Inserting Media into the Media Store Raw video manipulation
  • Recording Sound with Audio Record
  • Playing Sound with Audio Track Speech recognition
  • Creating and Running and Testing

  • Using Location Based Services
  • Working with the location manager
  • Configuring the Emulator to Test Location Based Services

  • DDMS: Dalvik debug monitor Service
  • Trace View

  • Security Architecture
  • User Ids and File Access
  • Using Permissions
  • Declaring and Enforcing Permissions

  • Rolling your own Widgets
  • Drawables
  • Bitmaps
  • Paint

  • Accessing the Local Bluetooth Device Adapter
  • Managing Bluetooth Properties and State
  • Managing Device Discoverability
  • Discovering Remote Devices
  • Monitoring Active Connection Details
  • Scanning for Hotspots
  • Managing Wi-Fi Configurations
  • Creating Wi-Fi Network Configurations
  • Device Vibration
  • Controlling device vibration

  • Using SMS and MMS in Your Application
  • Sending SMS and MMS from your Application
  • Using Intents and the Native Client Sending SMS Messages Manually Tracking and Conforming SMS Message Delivery
  • Conforming to the Maximum SMS
  • Message Size Sending DAT Messages

  • What is content provider
  • How to access build in Content provider
  • Retrieving build - in Content provider data

  • Launching the Dialer to Initiate Phone Calls Replacing the Native Dialer
  • Accessing phone and Network Properties & Status
  • Reading Phone Device Details
  • Reading Data Connection and Transfer State Reading Network Details

  • Using sensors and the sensor manager
  • Introducing Sensors
  • Supported Android Sensers
  • Finding Sensors
  • Using Sensors
  • Interpreting the sensor values
  • Using the compass , accelerometer and orientation sensors
  • Introducing Accelerometers Detecting Acceleration Changes Creating a G-Forceometer

  • Binding Activities to services
  • Prioritizing Background services
  • Binding data with service

  • What are webservices
  • Web service Architecture
  • Asyn Task
  • Parsing Techniques JSON, XML Consuming WebServices CRUD Operations over Server

  • Introduction to JSON
  • Advantages of JSON over XML
  • Syntax & Structure of JSON
  • Why is JSON is preferred for mobile applications Different types JSON Parsers ,simple json , Jackson , GSON to parse the JSON

  • Introduction Volley Library
  • Volley Library Advantages
  • Volley Library Components
  • How to setup the Environment Creating Volley singleton class Different Types of Requests Adding request headers Handling Volley Cache

  • Realtime Database
  • Cloud Storage
  • Authentication
  • Cloud Messaging
  • AdMob
  • Crash Reporting

  • Facebook Integration
  • Twitter Integration
  • Google/Gmail Integration
  • Payment Gateway Integration

  • List and Card
  • View Shadows/ Custom Shadows
  • App Bar /Action Bar
  • Matterial Theme
  • Adapter view and Recycler View

  • Clockwise
  • Zoom
  • Fade
  • Blink
  • Move
  • Slide

  • 20g Cat
  • Debugger
  • Trace View
  • Monkey Runner
  • UI Automator

  • What is GCM ?
  • GCM Architecture
  • GCM Services
  • Instant Messaging
  • TTL (Time to Live)
  • Group Messaging
  • Server Communication
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