
Big Data Hadoop Spark

Big Data Hadoop Spark
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Big Data Hadoop Spark Training Course for Making Your Career UPDATE

Companies require skilled, innovative, modern Big Data Hadoop Spark Course practitioners who can apply their professional and technical expertise to unstructured data, such as:

  • Tweets Images
  • Audio Files
  • Photos
  • Videos Sensors Data
  • Satellite Imagery
  • Among Others

To determine the behaviour and preferences of prospective customers, competitors, and many others.

Big Data Hadoop Spark Training Certification Ghaziabad will introduce you to Big Data concepts and practices. Learn about the nature, benefits, features, and limits of Big Data and explore some of the Big Data processing tools.

Benefits of Big Data Hadoop Spark Training with Certification Ghaziabad

You will explore how Hadoop, Big Data, and Spark can help companies overcome significant challenges and reap the benefits of their acquisition.

Hadoop, the open-source framework, allows the processing extensive data sets over clusters of computers using a straightforward programming model.

Each computer or node has local computation and storage, allowing datasets to be processed quicker and more efficiently.

It is a data warehouse software that offers an interface resembling SQL to search and manipulate massive datasets from various files and databases compatible with Hadoop.

Apache Spark is an open-source Apache Spark processing engine that is built around speed, user-friendliness, and analytics that provide users with the latest methods to manage and store extensive data.

Learn how to make use of Spark to provide reliable information. Big Data Hadoop Spark Course will provide an overview of the Spark platform, covering the various components of Apache Spark.

Through this class, you'll also be taught how Resilient Distributed datasets, also referred to as RDDs, can facilitate parallel processing between the nodes of the Spark cluster.

What You Get In Big Data Hadoop Spark Training With Certification?

This course will prepare students to "be competent to..." in their chosen field.

Explain the IT Training Course in Ghaziabad, its impact processing methods and tools, and how to use examples.

Define how Spark uses RDDs to create data sets and employs Catalyst and Tungsten to improve.

Apply Apache Spark for development and runtime options.

Check out the More Buzz Around Your Training….

You may have heard of the buzzword of the moment, "Big Data. Everyone is talking about it and is beginning to study Big Data since it's been among the most debated concepts over the last several years.

This article will explain why you should study Big Data Hadoop Spark Certification Training in Ghaziabad.

Let's begin by addressing the growing demand for Big Data with Hadoop Spark Professionals.

Demand for Big Data Professionals

To encourage you to study IT Training Courses in Ghaziabad, it is essential to highlight the demand for professionals with expertise in big data in the IT sector. One of the most exciting aspects of it is growing fast.

While asleep, you might not know you are creating data with your devices and smartphones.

What do you think, how much data there is in the entire world? A trillion petabytes of data is nearly incomprehensible.

A few questions come up when we discuss the amount of data available.

Who is the person who makes use of this volume of information?

Who is the one who is analyzing it?

What are the criteria to evaluate it?

The vast amount of data produced is analyzed by different Big Data professionals such as Data Scientists, architects, Data Scientists, and Engineers with various Big Data Hadoop Spark techniques and skills.

Thus, the need for professionals with skill sets is growing. However, there is a talent shortage, which creates many possibilities for people working in this area.

What Is The Need For Big Data Hadoop Spark Course Training?

Based on the above paragraph, the following factors are good reasons to master Big Data Hadoop Spark Training in Softcrayons today:

Enlarging Your Salary Circle

Due to the growing amount of data, demand to hire Big Data professionals such as Data Analysts, Data Scientists, Data architects, and many other positions is also rising.

Businesses like Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc., are paying quite a few dollars to hire Big Data professionals to work on their customer data.

Big Data Is Employed Across All Industries.

Data professionals aren't restricted to working in specific industry segments; their work applies to every industry sector.

You can find work in any area, including manufacturing, finance communications, information technology logistics, retail, and automotive.

Every industry uses Big Data to take advantage of competition and make data-based decisions.

Therefore, now is the best moment to consider Big Data Hadoop Spark as the next job option.

Softcrayons has launched Big Data Hadoop Spark Course Sessions designed by industry experts to assist you in succeeding.

Skill Enhancement as Investment

The process of learning Big Data can be your best investment. It will provide you with the skills required for big data and everyday routine.

In general, Big Data Analytics is full of puzzles and problems that are not solved.

Working through could significantly enhance your analytical abilities and ability to think.

Big Data Hadoop Spark Training Certification Ghaziabad involves statistics and solving skills that are valuable and extremely practical, even if you don't plan to build a career out of Big Data.

Gives You The Competitive Edge

One of the most critical capabilities inherent to making data-driven choices.

Data-driven decision-making is making decisions based on data analysis rather than just relying on intuition.

Instead of choosing based on past experiences, the decision is determined by potential future patterns.

It is now possible to determine which service or product will succeed in the marketplace, giving the advantage of being first in the market.

Opportunities for Career Advancement

With the number of data sets globally, the growing demand for Big data analytics is popular.

This implies that the need for Data Scientists, Data Engineers, and Data Analysts will increase in the coming years.

They will have an increasingly important and more significant role throughout the world.

In that case, it's time to begin studying at a reputable institution like Softcrayons to start your career.

Growth Exponential For Sure

As previously mentioned, it is said that the market is predicted to increase exponentially across the globe and is showing no indication of slowing down the road in the near term.

With the growing use of intelligent devices in rural areas, villages, and remote areas, the Certification revolution will continue accelerating.

The Skills Required To Become Master Big Data Hadoop Spark

While studying the Big Data Hadoop Spark Training Course, you must know the many abilities you need to master.

These are the abilities associated with the highly sought-after training.

Programming languages include Java, Python, and C++

Apache Hadoop

Apache Spark


Machine Learning

Data Mining

Data Visualization

SQL, as well as NoSQL databases

Data Structure and Algorithms

As you begin learning about Big Data, the skills mentioned above are in your grasp.

Big Data Hadoop Spark Job Roles

Let's look at the positions you must consider to succeed in the Big Data Hadoop Spark Training Certification in Ghaziabad.

Data Engineer

The role of the Data Engineer is to bridge the gap between Data Scientists and C-suite executives.

They are accountable for educating data scientists concerning business goals to be able to work following the plans.

Data Engineer also handles massive amounts of raw data and examines new data sources.

Data Analyst

The data analyst is the problem-solver who studies the data system and develops automated systems to extract information from databases and create reports.

Data Scientist

The role of the data scientist is to analyze raw data, which can be structured or unstructured, to obtain information that business executives can use to make crucial decisions that affect the growth of their business.

Data Architect

Members of the Big Data team who understand all aspects of designing databases include Data Architects.

They work with Big Data engineers to design data workflows and are in charge of designing and testing the new database prototypes.

Points to be Remember

After you have uncovered all the reasons to study the Big Data Hadoop Spark Course, the related skills, and the job opportunities, you can see the importance of incorporating Big Data Hadoop Spark Certification into your life.

Big Data Hadoop Spark Training Course could be the key to advancing your job. You must start by pursuing a skilled Spark Hadoop & Big Data Training program and gaining the required abilities.

After that, you can climb the ladder quickly and see your career progress rapidly as a Big Data professional!

Softcrayons is the best IT Training Institute in Ghaziabad. You can check the Website and connect with us for more info.

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Program Core Credentials







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Big Data Hadoop Spark

  • Introducing Scala
  • Installation and configuration of Scala
  • Developing, debugging, and running basic Scala programs
  • Various Scala operations
  • Functions and procedures in Scala
  • Scala APIs for common operations
  • Loops and collections- Array, Map, List, Tuple
  • Pattern-matching and Regex
  • Eclipse with Scala plugin

  • Introduction to OOP - object oriented programming
  • Different oops concepts
  • Constructors, getters, setters, singletons; overloading and overriding
  • Nested Classes and visibility Rules
  • Functional Structures
  • Functional programming constructs
  • Call by Name, Call by Value

  • Problems with older Big Data solutions
  • Batch vs Real-time vs in-Memory processing
  • Limitations of MapReduce
  • Apache Storm introduction and its limitations
  • Need for Apache Spark

  • Introduction to Apache Spark
  • Architecture and design principles of Apache Spark
  • Spark features and characteristics
  • Apache Spark Ecosystem components and their insights

  • Spark environment setup
  • Installing and configuring prerequisites
  • Installation of Spark in local mode
  • Troubleshooting encountered problems

  • Spark installation and configuration in standalone mode
  • Installation and configuration of Spark in YARN mode
  • Installation and configuration of Spark on a real cluster
  • Best practices for Spark deployment

  • Working on the Spark shell
  • Executing Scala and Java statements in the shell
  • Understanding SparkContext and the driver
  • Reading data from local file-system and HDFS
  • Caching data in memory for further use
  • Distributed persistence
  • Spark streaming
  • Testing and troubleshooting

  • Introduction to Spark RDDs
  • How RDDs make Spark a feature rich framework
  • Transformations in Spark RDDs
  • Spark RDDs action and persistence
  • Lazy operations and fault tolerance in Spark
  • Loading data and how to create RDD in Spark
  • Persisting RDD in memory or disk
  • Pairing operations and key-value in Spark
  • Hadoop integration with Spark
  • Apache Spark practicals and workshops

  • The need for stream analytics
  • Comparison with Storm and S4
  • Real-time data processing using streaming
  • Fault tolerance and checkpointing in Spark
  • Stateful Stream Processing
  • DStream and window operations in Spark
  • Spark Stream execution flow
  • Connection to various source systems
  • Performance optimizations in Spark

  • The need for Spark machine learning
  • Introduction to Machine learning in Spark
  • Various Spark libraries
  • Algorithms for clustering, statistical analytics, classification etc.
  • Introduction to Spark GraphX
  • The need for different graph processing engine
  • Graph handling using Apache Spark

  • Introduction to Spark SQL
  • Apache Spark SQL Features and Data flow
  • Architecture and components of Spark SQL
  • Architecture and components of Spark SQL
  • Hive and Spark together
  • Data frames and loading data
  • Hive Queries through Spark
  • Various Spark DDL and DML operations
  • Performance tuning in Spark

  • Live Apache Spark & Hadoop project using Spark & Hadoop components to solve real-world Big Data problems in Hadoop & Spark.
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Phone (For Voice Call):

+91 8545012345

WhatsApp (For Call & Chat):

+91 8545012345

self assessment

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Real-life Case Studies

Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.



Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.

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